Membership of the club

Persons wishing to join the club do not have to be experienced bowlers. Free tuition can be given to persons wishing to learn the game of bowls if they so wish.
Starting age to join is 9 onwards.

Current annual fee: Juniors membership (9 to 17 years old) = £20.00
Current annual fee: Adult membership = £50.00 per person.

If you are interested in joining Addingham Bowling Club please contact the Secretary Barry Fielding on 07905 361456.

Veteran Pairs A Team winning the Holmes Shield Sept 2023

Veteran Pairs A Team

Addingham Bowling Club

About Us

Addingham Bowling Club is situated in the heart of Addingham village in what is commonly known as The Park. The land was donated by Lord Masham and designed to be a Communal Park for the village of Addingham. The park was to include a bowling green, Memorial Hall incorporating a cenotaph at the rear of the building on entrance to the park, play areas for children and tennis courts. It was to be known as The Memorial Close.
Records show that work started in August 1919 and the bowling green and Memorial Hall were the first stage of constructing the Memorial Close. The bowling green opened on Monday the 5th of July 1920. The first official match played at Addingham was held on Saturday the 11th of June 1921. This was played between teams representing Addingham and Harewood with Addingham being the winners.

Addingham Bowling Club

Except for a period of closure during World War II, Addingham Bowling Club has maintained to play an active role in the village where people can socialise, relax and enjoy a game of bowls and it will have reached its centenary in July of 2020.

There is a misconception that Crown Green Bowling is only for old people, far from it, a lot of young people play the sport starting at club level and some progress to representing Inter District and County level.
It may seem an easy slow game to play, far from it. It is a difficult game to master, is very tactical and very rewarding when you beat your opponent.

So if you would like to come and watch 2 opposing teams playing and see if you would like to play bowls you are welcome. Notices are posted in the clubhouse window on forthcoming matches on a weekly basis.
If you wish to try your hand at bowling before committing to join the club you are welcome to do so. (No Charge)
All you need to do is visit us, for further information contact any of the above.

Affiliated Leagues

Addingham Bowling Club is registered to play in 3 different leagues. Members can just use the green for social bowling if they so wish. For members that wish to be more competitive they can join a team which play other teams from various leagues.

The bowling season is normally from the 1st April to 31st of October a period of 7 months.

At present we have 2 teams in:
The Skipton and Craven District League.
These matches are normally played home and away on Tuesday and Thursday evening.
Start times are normally 7:00pm concluding around 9:00pm.
8 player teams, singles.

1 team in:
The Airedale and Wharfedale League.
These matches are normally played home and away on Wednesday afternoon.
Start times are normally 1:30pm concluding around 4:00pm.
8 player team, singles.

1 team in:
The Worth Valley League. (For players aged 60 and above)
These matches are normally played home and away on Monday afternoon.
Start times are normally 2:00pm concluding around 4:00pm.
6 player team, doubles.